Auto Repair Reference Center [EBSCOhost] covers more than 35,000 vehicles from 1945 to present. Content includes nearly 857,000 drawings and step-by-step photographs, approximately 99,000 technical service bulletins & recalls issued by the original equipment vehicle manufacturer, over 158,600 enhanced wiring diagrams for easy viewing and printing, specifications & maintenance schedules, Labor Time Guide & Estimator, AutoIQ.
Canadian Encyclopedia – A comprehensive information source about Canada and Canadians, for students, the general public and scholars. Includes articles written by experts, as well as web links and multimedia clips. The web site also includes links to the Youth Encyclopedia of Canada and Encyclopedia of Music in Canada. No library card is required to access these resources on the Internet.
Home Improvements Reference Center [EBSCOhost] – A definitive online tool for home improvement assistance, including: maintenance, remodeling, electrical work, plumbing, wood projects, outdoor improvements, decorating home & garden, etc. This comprehensive resource contains over 25 major reference works in full text with more than 10,000 images. Additionally, the database contains full-text magazines.
NoveList [EBSCOhost] – Looking for a good novel? Want to find book reviews? Desperate to find other authors that are similar to your favourite? Check out NoveList, a database of fiction books and authors, recommended reading lists, book discussion ideas and book reviews for all ages.
Our World [Manitoba Research Gateway} – Manitobans enjoy free, permanent online access to rich primary source and research content including newspapers, maps, photos, pamphlets, manuscripts etc. The available collections include archives of The Economist, The Financial Times, and The Times (London), as well as digitized materials from The Smithsonian Institution, the world’s largest museum and research complex. In addition, residents will be able to explore the North American story through Indigenous Peoples: North America, and make new discoveries with access to every article published in National Geographic Magazine from 1888-1994. These examples represent only a fraction of what is available through Our World.
Small Engine Repair Reference Center [EBSCOhost] – Clymer manuals containing thousands of maintenance and repair instructions for hundreds of small engine machines. Routine maintenance and more extensive repairs for motorcycles, ATVs, personal water craft, snowmobiles, lawn mowers, tractors, snow blowers, generators, and more are covered.