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Please do not place donations in the book return box.

Donation Policy

Glenwood & Souris Regional Library gratefully accepts gifts of books and other materials if they are in good condition and meet the Library’s guidelines for selection. Items deemed inappropriate for the collection will be sold in the used book section with the proceeds going towards funding programs and purchasing other library materials. Please be advised that donations become the sole property of the library; thus, donors have no further claim on materials and cannot stipulate how they are to be used.

The Library accepts the following items if they are in good condition:

  • Recent (within 5 years) hardcover fiction and non-fiction
  • Paperback fiction
  • Children’s hardcover books
  • Young adult books
  • Large print books
  • DVD’s (no “R” rated please)
  • Local history books
  • Family histories

The Library does not accept the following items:

  • Magazines
  • Encyclopedias
  • Textbooks
  • Reader’s digest condensed books
  • Books with broken bindings or pages missing
  • Books marked with highlighter pen
  • Books with yellowed or brittle pages
  • Computer software
  • VHS tapes